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Worker-communist Unity Party Polite bureau Statement
July 2007
How can Islamic Terrorism be destroyed!

The world is engulfed by waves of Islamic terrorist operations. Nearly every day a bomb is detonated in a corner of the world with bloodied consequences. Countires, from Iraq, Palestine, Tel Aviv, Egypt, Moscow, Madrid and London have been turned into terrorist operation fields. Islamic terrorism is causing catastrophe everywhere. 

The victims of terrorist operations are ordinary people. The passer bys, tourists, children, young and old, in buses, underground stations, restaurants, discos, and on the beach are all victims of bombings. Children are taken hostage on their way to school and murdered.

The perpetrators of these criminal operations are political Islamic movement and terrorism which take peoples’ lives and humanity hostage. The record of Islamic terrorism and the reactionary political Islam in genocide, murder, decapitation, execution, stoning, and other religious crimes are all without a doubt out there for the world to see.

We must end this situation. Terrorism in now a serious threat and danger to civilisation and freedom. The future of humanity demands an end to terrorism. The world must be rid of bombs and terrorists.

In order to destroy Islamic terrorism one needs to tackle the roots of the problem. The present so called “solutions” by the Western governments have shown their failure several times over. Extensive military operations are not solutions and are not elements in limiting Islamic terrorism. In fact they provide grounds for an escalation of terrorist operations and are themselves an example of terrorist operations.

What the government of USA calls “the War on terror” is not a war against Islamic terrorism because it does not address any of the issues necessary to combat Islamic terrorism. In fact it does the opposite by relying on political Islamic current. The US approach is itself a terrorist action with the same horrific consequences of devastation, insecurity and deprivation. Bombing of Afghanistan and Iraq by USA is not a war against terrorism. It is the other side of the same coin. It is another part of reactionary New World Order. Invasion, occupation and cooperation with tribal and religious currents are all part of New World Order policy. These wars and occupations have not brought security to the people in the West. In contrast, they have in fact escalated terrorist operations in the world. The aim of the US government has not been to destroy Islamic terrorism and political Islam rather to consolidate its political and military position as the sole super power in the world.

The US policy leaves a special place for Islamic states and relies on them as part of its policy in the Middle East. Based on this policy, not only can Islamic states stay in power, but also, as long as Islamic terrorism does not extend to the West and its allies, it is permissible. Opposing the invasive, military and political bullying carried out by USA is a determining factor in destroying Islamic terrorism. At the same time any attempt by the Western governments to curtail political and civil liberties and encourage police state under the name of combating Islamic terrorism must be fought.

Islamic terrorism: the strategic pillar of political Islam
To uproot Islamic terrorism one must go after political Islam, Islamic governments, Islamic organisations, movements and governments supporting these currents on an international scale. To end state terrorism, terrorist states must be overthrown. The overthrow of Islamic Republic of Iran will devoid political Islam and Islamic movements of perspective and horizon and will mobilize a massive force to get rid of political Islam and Islamic terrorism in the whole of Middle East.

To put an end to non state terrorism, any financial or other support to Islamic currents by Western governments must stop. Religion, Islam, tribalism, racism, cultural relativism or any other view or thought that does not recognise human universal ideals and values must be criticized. Also, the hardships, deprivations, suppression, exploitation and dictatorship that push people to desperation, some even become pray by terrorist organisations, must be stopped. Our struggle to destroy Islamic terrorism, is part of our general endeavour for an open, a freer, equal, well off, and secular society where people’s lives, well being and security has a high value.

Islamic terrorism is not just the work of a few reactionary groups or criminal Islamic individuals on the fringe of the society whose destruction would stop Islamic terrorism. It is the strategic pillar of political Islam. Political Islam is that reactionary movement in which Islamic terrorist currents operate and thrive. It carries the flag of Islam with the purpose of reorganising political power in the Middle East. This movement claims political power in countries with Muslim population. It has also spread its wings into the West.

Political Islam has emerged in opposition to the Left and working class. It was lifted forth from the fringes of Middle East countries by the West during the Cold War to counteract freedom, equality, socialism and also to compete with the rival political block. During the Cold War and “New World Order” era, this reactionary movement managed to secure a prominent position in the world politics, from Bosnia, Chechnya, Pakistan, North Africa and some Western counties. In Iran, political Islam was aided into power by the West where it took state power, thus it turned political Islam into a criminal force with state backing in the region. This movement is now one part of the power struggle in countries with Muslim population in the Middle East. To survive, it knows nothing but carrying out terrorist operations. Our platform for destroying Islamic terrorism is as follows:

Resolution of the Palestinian question
An independent Palestinian country must be formed. People in Palestine must have their own independent country and state with all rights of a state. Political Islam nourishes from suppression and devastation that historically been imposed on Palestinian people. This reactionary movement that does not concern itself with the oppression endured by Palestinian people, uses people’s dissatisfaction and deprivation in Palestine and the Middle East in order to gain political investment for itself. The Israeli government and its Western allies must be put under pressure to recognise peace and creation of an independent Palestinian government enjoying all international rights. Western governments must be forced to stop their unconditional support of reactionary and invasive policies of the Israeli government. Creation of a Palestinian country and a sustainable peace in the Middle East are the main pillars and basis of uprooting Islamic terrorism in the world.

An end to the military occupation in Iraq
Military invasion and occupation of Iraq by US, British and allied governments are clear examples of state terrorist operations. Bombardment and occupation of Iraq not only did not lead to minimization of terrorist activities or reduction of people’s poor situation; it actually caused the civil society to be torn apart, contributed to destruction of civil, social and economic security and led to further terrorist rivalry. Iraq has now turned into the Mecca and main headquarter of Islamic terrorism. Everyday groups of people are killed by Islamic terrorism using suicide bombings. The devastation imposed on people in Iraq as a consequence of military occupation and massive movement of Islamic terrorism will leave life threatening scars on people for generations to come. The military occupation must be ended now. One important element in uprooting Islamic terrorism is the immediate end to the military occupation in Iraq and reduction of hardships imposed on people.

Without the support of Western governments, the Islamic regime would not have come to power in Iran, and without the support of these governments it will not survive. Without Western support of the slave system and Sheiks in Saudi Arabia and the neighbouring Gulf countries they would not have been able to dictate dark and reactionary laws against people. Without the support of the West the Islamic currents and Taliban in Afghanistan would not have gained power. Without this support, the Islamic currents would not have become one of the main forces in the power struggle. Without the support of the Islamic governments by the West, people in the region will quickly overthrow these Islamic governments.

To put an end to state terrorism, the states must be overthrown. One must prevent the dealings and wheeling behind the scene between the West and the Islamic currents and parties, be it pro or against the West. To justify their support of Islamic currents, the Western governments and media have invented the concept of Islamic fundamentalism in order to separate the anti West wing of political Islam from the pro West section. The policies of the Western governments must be disclosed. The devastating consequences of such policies in expansion of Islamic terrorism and political Islam must be shown to the public. To propose “Islamic fundamentalism” or “good and bad” Islam is another way of sustaining reactionary political Islam. Political Islam is not capable of surviving without the support of the West and will be defeated by people, secularists and socialists.

Uninterrupted defence of secularism
Political Islam and Islamic terrorism have now extended their wings in Muslim communities in the West too. On the one hand, this movement has imposed bleak and reactionary laws and values on people’s lives in these communities, especially women and girls. On the other hand they have turned these communities into garrisons for recruitment of soldiers and suicide bombers. Western governments, equipped with the super reactionary thesis of cultural relativism, and with marginalising secularism in state and education system have practically opened the doors for the Islamic reactionaries to intimidate and attack women in these communities. These currents are even receiving financial support from the Western governments. To end Islamic terrorism, people’s universal and civil rights in all countries and Islamic communities must be defended unconditionally. Any deviation from and violation of universal human rights of the citizens; and any compromise with Islamic currents which impose their religion on people’s lives must be condemned.

At the same time, without uninterrupted support of secularism in the Western countries one can not defend secularism and universal human rights in Muslim communities. One pillar of uprooting political Islam in Western counties is the uninterrupted defence of secularism and opposition to laws and trends which lead to increased influence of religion and the Mafia like industry of religion in political sphere.

Abolition of Islamic schools
Islamic schools are centres for expansion of anti humane policies and teachings of Islam. Children in Islamic schools are baits for Islamic brain washing and backwardness. These schools brain wash children with hatred and inequality. They teach children that women are second class citizens and that there is no freedom or civilisation but their version of freedom and civilisation. They are centres for recruiting members into Islamic and terrorist groups. Religion’s hands must be cut off of education. All religious schools must be abolished. Children must be educated without the interference of religion. This is a vital aspect of safeguarding children from the yoke of religious groups and cliques. By providing religious schools and financial aid, Western governments practically share with the Islamist groups the devastating consequences these schools have on children. All state support and financial subsidies to religious currents must be stopped. Children’s Hejab (headscarf) must be banned without exception. Hejab for children, imposition of Islamic religious clothing to children are tools for introducing gender apartheid. They deny children of social activities, happy, creative and secure life. Society must defend children’s rights and interests. Children do not have religion. Society must provide equal educational opportunities for all children.

Combating racism and anti Muslimism
Terrorism is not the work of Muslims. It is the strategic work of political Islam and Islamic terrorists. The policy that points the fingers at Muslims instead of Islamic states and currents is a racist and anti human policy. These reactionary policies actually lead to the legitimatisation of Islamic groups among victims of racism and in Islamic communities. Struggling against racism and anti Muslimism is an important aspect of struggle against political Islam and terrorism.

We declare:
Terrorist organisations and states have turned terrorism into a dark reality of people’s lives. We must put an end to it. It is up to the civilised humanity and libertarians to do this. We call upon all to come forth to destroy Islamic terrorism and demand the following:

  1. All financial, political and diplomatic support of Islamic states, parties and currents must be stopped.

    All support to invasive policies and the reactionary government of Israel must be stopped.

    All US, British and Allied military forces must pull out of Iraq. The military policies of US and NATO must be opposed. Struggle for overthrowing the Islamic-tribal government in Iraq.

    Defence of secularism, separation of religion from education and state. Banning of religious schools and legal courts. Banning of headscarves for children.

    Defiant struggle against anti Muslimism.

We resolutely declare that in the absence of support of Islamic currents by the West, political Islam will be easily and quickly defeated by secularist, libertarian and socialist movements in the region.